Circlesinging Together

The community-singing event where where everything’s made up and the point — to sing for our lives — matters.

We are singing together online! Come zoom with us, and our leaders will teach you parts to sing for spontaneously-composed choral pieces. We play a variety of listening/music/singing games, and create safe opportunities for participants to improvise as little or as much as they might like.

Good for all skill levels, shower-singers to seasoned pros, no sheet-music-reading required.

Note: You must register to receive the Zoom meeting info! There are now two options:

1. RSVP here on Meetup. We will send you a link via Meetup the day of the event. You’ll come in as ‘Welcome Singing Guest’ and then can rename yourself in Zoom.

2. Register in advance one time for all meetings through December 2021:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please “arrive” around 2:45 to sign on and test your ability to mute and unmute yourself.

We usually meet on the second Sunday of the month, so check each month to confirm date & details.

This world needs more song; join in the fun, and be the music you want to hear in the world.
L❤️ving this? Donate! : )
Your donations help keep our mission alive!
We love doing this with you. Thank you to all who support us.

Suggested donation is $10-15.
Via paypal:
Via Venmo: @Paris-Kern
Check? Email: